Thursday, July 3, 2008

There are no secrets in Granada

Truly, there aren´t. Case in point: the day I was sick, Angela Cristina apparently walked around telling anyone who would listen that "Catarina está enferma y le van a poner una inyección en las nalgas. " Which, unfortunately, translates to "Catharine is sick and they´re going to give her a shot in her butt." We´re not sure where she got the shot part from, but the fact remains that anyone who didn´t already know about my illness sure does now.

Caroline (new volunteer) and I changed our worksite today. We´re now teaching English in yet another "dangerous during the night" neighborhood. It´s still not exactly what I wanted, but I only have a week left. And anything that keeps me away from the screams of 60 preschoolers is fine by me. The kids we´re teaching are pretty ridiculous. We taught them for about an hour, played duck duck goose for half an hour, and then we all picked mamón, a local fruit, and ate it for the rest of the class. Today they ranged in age from 7 to 12, but apparently next week in the afternoon I´m going to get some older girls. I´m unprepared for this, so bring on the adventure. It will for sure keep me busy next week, which is good because Marjan is gone and I miss her terribly.

One of the girls I´ve been tutoring at the convent is going home tomorrow, and she invited me to visit her and her family on Saturday. I´m not sure if I´m going yet, but hopefully I will. And even if I don´t, the invitation itself means more to me than she probably knows. Hospitality and conversation mean so much here. I love it.

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