Sunday, July 27, 2008

The entire city looks like Spanish Harlem

I did not in fact make it back to Nicaragua today. I guess my luck with bus schedules ran out, because I only made it from Copán to Tegucigalpa (the Honduran capital) today. Granted, that was a good 7 hours on the bus/9 hours of total travel time, but it would have been nice to make it all the way to Nicaragua. This totally throws off my beach plans, too, so now if I want to make it to the coast one more time I´ll have to move really fast and spend a lot more time and money on buses than I want. But maybe I´ll decide it´s worth it. Or maybe not. I realized how much money I´ve spent on transportation just getting up to Copán... Honestly, I probably blew more money on buses in the last 5 days than I did in the previous 2 weeks. Ridiculous. That´s what I get for trying to do too much in too little time, I guess.

So I´m in Tegucigalpa for a grand total of 12 hours now. I was prepared to hate everything about the city and hole up in my hotel all night, but after walking around for a few blocks, it´s not so bad. Really, it looks like the dirtier part of New York. I´m not saying I´ll be jogging through the streets after nightfall or anything, but I think it has an undeservedly bad reputation. Today is Sunday, unfortunately, so most of the restaurants and all the museums are closed. But the people-watching is still good, and it goes both ways. I watch them, they watch me, we watch each other. Story of my life in Central America. I´ve become a tourist attraction. More than once, I´ve noticed people (men and women) snapping pictures of me either with their cameras or their cell phones. Should I start charging a small fee?

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