Monday, July 21, 2008

Houston, we have hot water

I may never leave this place.

I still dont know where I will be 3 days from now. I mean, I will be in Nicaragua or Honduras, thats for sure. I am starting to get lazy about travelling, and since I only have 8 days left before I need to be back in Granada, I am not sure if its even worth it to press up to northern Honduras. Then again, 8 days is a good long while to entertain myself in the northern hills of Nicaragua.

I should decide soon. I am making Thursday my cut off day for leaving this country.

Not much to report today. I went to an organic coffee plantation called Selva Negra and hiked by myself for almost 3 hours. Coffee picking season is November-February here, so there wasnt much going on in the way of that, but I did go on a tour of the farm and at least got to see where the coffee grows, where they wash it, where the workers live, etc etc. It wasnt as cool as I was hoping, but at least I made it to a coffee farm, right? Check off one more goal for this trip.

I like Matagalpa. Its set up in the hills of Nicaragua so its not nearly as hot as the other parts Ive seen. And its much less popular with the backpacker crowd, so I feel like I am getting a little more of the real country. Unfortunately, this also means I have a lot more time alone. I dont really mind, though. The only part I dislike about being alone is dinner time. Eating alone can be awkward sometimes. But I cant complain.

Oh, and for the record, I cant figure out how to work the apostrophe button on this keyboard.

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