Thursday, May 14, 2009

Honduras (again)

I went to enter a title for this post, and before I could type anything my computer suggested "i love amanda lewicki". Who has been using my computer and who is amanda lewicki?

Last time I was in Honduras I swore I wouldn't be back. Actually, last time I was in Central America (last summer) I swore I was done for awhile with this part of the world in general. However, Clemson University requires that I complete an internship before I can have my diploma, and all other doors were shut in my face. So, May 16-July 3, I will be living in Peña Blanca, Honduras, working/volunteering with a clinic run by the Friends of Barnabas Foundation and fulfilling my required 180 hour internship. My understanding is that I will be translating for visiting medical teams, working around the clinic, helping with basic computer training for the clinic staff, etc. Truthfully, I'm not sure what my work will entail. If nothing else, I hope I'm kept busy. 2008 was a slow and often lonely summer, and I would love to experience the direct opposite this year. 

Central America can be rough, as is any extended stay in a place that is culturally and geographically far from home and good friends. I expect nothing less than for it to backhand me across the face and yell "Welcome back, sucker!" in my ear upon arrival. Hopefully, though, my skin will be thick enough that I can respond with a heartfelt "Glad to be back!" and a well placed uppercut. It's by no means a hate-hate relationship or even a love-hate relationship. Central America just offers its own special brand of tough love. In case I sound too cynical, though, I am glad to be going and thankful for this opportunity to learn.

And, for the record, I still think the idea of me blogging is pretentious and a little nauseating. 


GShew said...

ok ok as I read this I am watching an episode of King of the Hill - the one when Peggy takes the students to Mexico and she kind of kidnaps a Mexican resident and brings them back to America b/c her Spanish is so terrible- Ah timing is everything. Ok well since my week was insane and I missed you before you hopped the plane - sno-beach and chuys as soon as you return- my treat (since you're unemployed and all...)love you! -- Ginny

Catherine said...

A friend of mine on facebook has the status "i am so not even close to being good enough for amanda lewicki she is so far above me in every way"


the friend is Tyler Phillips...he lived in McCabe with us and Kate knows him pretty well, just a thought?????