Monday, May 12, 2008

my big fat disclaimer

Disclaimer: I secretly think blogs are stupid. Or at least, I think the idea of me having a blog is stupid, for the following reasons:
  1. I hate the word "blog". It's dumb. Every time someone refers to themselves as a "blogger", I die a little inside.
  2. I think it's mildly ridiculous to devote web space to talking about myself. I don't think I'm that interesting.
  3. I already keep a private journal, why go public?
All that aside, I do want the people I care about to know what I'm up to this summer. More than that, I want to know what yall are up to. So, hopefully this blog (gross...) will fulfill both of those goals.

I've been realizing that I haven't actually told that many people what I'm doing this summer, so to catch everyone up: I'm going to be living in Granada, Nicaragua from June 1 -- July 14ish, where I'll be volunteering at a girls' orphanage called Misioneras de la Caridad. It's a home for girls who have been orphaned, abandoned, or taken out of bad home situations. I'm not entirely sure what I'll do on a daily basis, but my activities may include any or all of the following:
  • English lessons (I'm not really qualified to teach but whatever)
  • Health/hygiene classes for the older girls (I'm a health science major, that should be cool)
  • Activities/games with the younger girls (I'm super immature. No problem.)
  • "Other" activities, like cooking or dancing (I suck at both. I hope the nuns who run the place don't expect great things from me.)

I really don't know many details beyond that. I'll be living with a family in Granada until July 14, after which I've left myself about 2 weeks to travel before I come home on August 1. I think it will be nice to be back in the Hispanic world. I'd like to completely submerge myself in life there, so I requested not to be placed at a volunteer site where I would be surrounded by other English-speakers, and hopefully the company that placed me (ELI Abroad) will hold up their end of the bargain.

Until June comes, I'm just hanging around Clemson. Nearly all my friends are gone, which leaves me with a lot of time on my hands. I'm taking public speaking at the local junior college, and I'll fill the rest of my days with waitressing, riding my friend Holly's loaner bike around the streets of Central/Clemson, running, making smoothies, stocking up on necessities for my trip (things like a backpack, and a travel guide, and immodium), reading, etc... Basically, preparing my mind and body for the next great adventure.


Anita said...

Sounds spectacular. Can I link you on my bl*g?

Caitlin said...

i love this. sooo you! and yah, before i started my (gag) blog, i totally thought the same thing, but on the other hand, it's nice to just let the words come to you and get it out, kinda refreshing! nice to look back on, too...especially those never-forgetful gringa moments...haha.

anyway. um guess what? you and i will both be in cities across the world, both named Granada, for approximately 1.5 of the same days. locura! i leave june 3, and then ill just be in atx living vicariously through you. you're going to have a blast!!!!

Holly said...

i wish i was as cool as you.

glad my bike is keeping you company!