Thursday, May 22, 2008

Estoy lista ya!

That means, I'm ready already! Seriously, I'm ready to go. I leave in 10 days and I'm not entirely finished with everything, but it's getting closer. So far I've:
  1. Bought a killer backpack so I don't have to take a suitcase.
  2. Bought a travel guide to Central America. I like to read it and pretend that I have time to go everywhere.
  3. Cut my hair. Like, all of it. It's a little too Hillary Rodham Clinton meets suburban soccer mom, but I like that I don't even have to pull it back because it's so short. And I'm going to save so much money on shampoo and conditioner. I'll probably start a college fund for my future children or put a down payment on a new home with all that cash. Plus, I get to wear some sweet pigtails when I go running.
  4. Got malaria pills. They gave me doxycycline at Redfern. I looked it up on wikipedia and apprently doxycycline is also used to treat chlamidia and syphilis. Hello, freedom!
  5. Ordered 5 books off I feel like I might have some extra time to read while I'm there.

I have 6 days left of my public speaking class (which, by the way, is more terrifying to me than flying to a 3rd world country for 2 months) and one of my roommates said she'll take me to the Atlanta airport on June 1. I guess what I'm saying is, I've done almost everything I personally can to get ready, now it's just a waiting game.

On a more serious note, here's a list of things that could go wrong this summer.

  • My bag gets lost on the flight. (Whatever.)
  • I'm incredibly lonely all summer. (That one's pretty likely.)
  • I get horribly sick while I'm down there or I break something. (I'm not prone to awful accidents, so I'm counting on my luck holding here.)
  • My Spanish sucks. (I'm good at smiling and nodding.)
  • Communist rebel forces have an uprising and take me as their prisoner. I pull a classic Patty Hearst move, identify with my captors and appear on communist propaganda all over the world. (I'm not sure if this belongs on my list of things that could go wrong, it sounds pretty awesome to me.)

If you're inclined to prayer, I'd appreciate it. If not, please send me kind words.

I have to go write an informative speech on why Austin, Tx is a kickin' place to visit and live. Thanks for reading, hopefully next time you hear from me I'll be in Granada!

1 comment:

Mary K. said...

here's the deal:
1. I love you
2. I love your blog
3. I want a picture of your hair short
4. You and your letters make me Praise God
5. I am so excited for you to start your adventure so I can hear all about it, you can count on my prayers anytime you need it!

And I dont know how to be friends with you on blogspot, teach me your ways!!

Un Beso